Accredited PARS playwork courses
for Australian Educators

PARS Customised Qualifications for Australian Educators 
are now available online.

Levels 2, 3 and 4 are certified by NCFE.
Start your PARS journey at Level 2, or jump right in at Level 3 for more experienced practitioners. 

PARS Customised Qualifications can also be delivered in-person or in-house.


A systematic approach to playwork in OOSH

PARS is a tried-and-tested model of practice for professionals working with children in their leisure time.
Join our interactive accredited courses if you want to be able to....

Let children 
be children

Learning PARS helps adults to provide fun and freedom for children in their out of school time. Learning PARS  enables adults to make decisions about when and how to get involved in children's activities in real time.

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Define your professional approach

Learning PARS provides adults with a technical language to describe their professional playwork practice to other adults and an NCFE certificate to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

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Relax and

have fun at work

Adults who use PARS tell us they are more relaxed and happier at work, and teams work better together when they are all using PARS playwork practice. Children have more fun too when adults are using PARS!

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I was able to do a presentation of some of what I learned through the PARS course at our monthly P & C meeting. It was super exciting and I received great feedback from being able to explain not just how, but also why we are choosing to practice in this way. For some, it changed the way they looked at what we did and it brought a few more enrolments too!  
Susie Berkhut, Queensland, Australia
I loved participating in the PARS training. It was a fantastic introduction to playwork; providing great tools to help in our important work with children. It translates beautifully to the Outside School Hours context in Australia.
Rarni Rothwell, Brisbane, Australia
One immeasurable benefit of PARS is now having the language to engage with, both in self-reflection and in conversation with other practitioners and stakeholders. It means that we can now discuss what we think is happening for the children and what we think we can do to enhance (or meaningfully not ruin) what is happening, and to start to work on a collective understanding of our practice as a service.
Amy Blane, Queensland, Australia

Confused about rules and freedom?

Find the balance with
PARS playwork training!

Adults who work in wraparound childcare often struggle with giving children more freedom whilst maintaining the boundaries in their settings. Find the balance between freedom and chaos with PARS - and help children to get more out of their free time in your setting! 

free PPP1 For australian educators

February 27th 9.30am AEST

PPP1 Australia is an exclusive free online workshop just for Australian Educators! Join our award-winning PARS Licensed Trainer, Polly Howard, on 27th February to learn how PARS playwork works in OOSH settings and how you can gain internationally accredited PARS playwork qualifications. 
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PARS bEGINNERS - accredited by ncfe


Find out how the PARS model works and start to use PARS Methods and Techniques in your setting. 

PPP2 for Wraparound Childcare courses are taught by PPP4-qualified PARS Licensed Trainers who have a wealth of experience in out of school care. 

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PPP3 is our advanced practitioner programme, suitable for experienced practitioners and anybody who wants to become PPP4 qualified. There is no requirement to complete a PPP2 course before joining PPP3.

Learn how to use the PARS model to articulate and develop your playwork practice.
Write your awesome label here.


PPP4 is our highest level PARS qualification. It will enable you to articulate, develop and evaluate your PARS playwork practice and the whole of the PARS model itself.

PPP4 is suitable for experienced practitioners and those in support roles as well as anybody who wants to become a PARS Licensed Trainer. Please note that PPP3 is a pre-requisite for PPP4.   
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Our international PARS community

PARS Licensed Trainers

PARS trainees worldwide

different countries

PARS practitioners belong to the international PARS community, with lots of opportunities to connect with like-minded people around the world. There is also a free CPD programme for those who complete a PARS Customised Qualification.


Join the international PARS community 

There are lots of ways to make PARS playwork work for you - if you can't find what you need on this page, please contact us so we can make it work for you too!