Reflexions is an online gathering of PARS practitioners from around the world, meeting to talk, share and learn from each other about what it means to put PARS into practice. Develop your reflexive practice with this one hour online session led by Dr Shelly Newstead.
This is a free session - only for PARS practitioners. Please do not book this session if you have not done any PARS training.
Next Reflexions - 23rd January 13.00
What is Reflexions?
Global sharing
You set the agenda
Next Reflexions -
23rd January 13.00
Always different
Dr Shelly Newstead (UK)
Shelly created the PARS playwork model as part of her doctoral research at the UCL Institute of Education, London. Shelly has worked in the playwork field for nearly thirty years as a practitioner, trainer, author, editor, publisher and researcher.