PARS Book Club

The aim of the PARS Book Club is to share a wide range of literature relevant to the theory and practice of working with children and young people. PARS Book Club is for anybody who wants to develop their knowledge of literature about children and childhood.
Write your awesome label here.

About Book Club

Global sharing

Each PARS Book Club includes  international speakers talking about different pieces of literature, such as academic papers, practitioner blogs, novels, textbooks and even cartoon strips! This enables you to sample a diverse range of literature which may be helpful to follow up in your own work and to discuss the literature with the presenters and other participants.

Meet the authors

Each Book Club opens with a talk from a guest author about their own work. Two other presenters review a piece of literature which has affected their practice. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.

Get involved!

If you are an author on children and childhood, or if you have a favourite piece of literature you would love to share with an international audience, you are very welcome to present at a future PARS Book Club - please do get in touch.